Hi 👋
I'm Franz-Aurel Huber
Student at UAS St. Pölten
I like frontend development and UI/UX design. I am
passionate about creating seamless digital experiences and I love cars. I
started programming in late 2023 as part of my studies and I aim to
improve ever since.
Skills </>
Programming Languages
- C#
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Kotlin
- Yaml
Tools & Technologies
- React
- Node.js
- Next.js
- Astro
- Room Database
- Unity
- Tailwind CSS
Version Control & Package Managers
- Git
- npm/pnpm
- Yarn
- Procreate
- Figma
- Blender
- Adobe Creative Suite
Command Line & Utilities
- Bash
- Zsh
- Homebrew
- Agile Development
- Kanban
- UI/UX Research
- Responsive Web Design
- Cross-Browser Compatibility Testing
- Accessibility (a11y) Best Practices
- User Interface Design
- API Integration